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Due to COVID-19, all programs, events, services, support & resources will be hosted virtually to encourage physical distancing and support health recommendation at UC Merced.

Campus Ready

COVID-19 Updates



If you are someone who thrives on direct interaction or enjoy participating in workshops, below are a few opportunities to engage in continued learning with others at UC Merced.

Gender Inclusion in the Workplace

The Gender Inclusion in the Workplace workshop focuses on raising awareness of transgender issues, provides information regarding how to support a transgender employee and provides a process should a grievance occur. This workshop is 3.5 hours in length. To request this workshop for your organization and/or department, please fill out this request form.

Gender Inclusive Language

The Gender Inclusive Language workshop breaks downs the importance of utilizing gender inclusive language to ensure we are affirming the lived experiences, backgrouns, and identities of individuals. This one (1) hour workshop provides an opportunity to examine how our binary gendered language impacts those who identify on the gender specturm and offers alternatives to utilizing exclusionary language. To request this workshop for your organization and/or department, please fill out this request form.

Queer Ally Program

The Queer All Program (QAP) is a program which identifies students, faculty and staff members who will provide empathy, acceptance, support and resources for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex students and all forms of gender expression. QAP currently provides workshops tailored to providing a deeper understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, individuals lived experiences and develop skills to support the LGBTQ+ community.

Queer Ally Workshop

The 3.5 hour Queer Ally Workshop (QA) provides an introductory foundational understanding of the LGBTQ+ community. The focus of this workshop is for participants to:

  • Define and differentiate between assigned sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation/attraction(s), sexual behavior and sexual activity.
  • Articulate privileges that you have that are not afforded to members of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Identify opportunities for influencing positive social change that affirms the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Identify ways to positively support the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Demonstrate continued learning and knowledge around how to be an ally for the LGBTQ+ communities.

To request a QA workshop, please fill out this request form.

Gender Expansive Workshop

The Gender Expansive Workshop (GE) is the newest QAP curriculum expanding participants understanding of the varied gender identities which fall under the gender expansive umbrella. This 3.5 hour workshop was created to:

  • Raise awareness of the Gender Expansive community
  • Challenge deeply held notions of gender, gender identity and gender expression
  • Identify ways to support the gender expansive community

The liberating work that will be upheld in this workshop provides an opportunity for participants to understand themselves and others, recognize some of the challenges the gender expansive community face, and the ways in which we can all attempt to create a welcoming and affirming environment for the gender expansive community. In order for participants to enroll in the GE workshop, participants must have completed the Queer Ally Program Workshop after August of 2016.

To request a GE workshop, please fill out this request form.